Informal short report from the 165. StuRa session

— Deutsch —

165. session of the 06.06.2023

» Elected were:

The StuRa has a new member of the speakers: „President“ Helen Eckstein will support the three previous speaker members in the future, and with Daniel Dufner the Kulturreferat (office for cultural affairs and sport) will also be strengthened from three to four members.

» We’re looking for:

Two out of six speaker seats are still vacant. However, the situation is looking even „emptier“ in the Referat für internationale Studierende (office for international students) and the Referat für Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit (office for ecology and sustainability), only one of four positions is filled there. Heavily weakened, the election committee will enter the period of the upcoming StuRa-election, which starts on the 19th of June. – only five of ten seats have been filled – and one member will be leaving before the end of June.

Also important:

» Should the StuRa confer weekly?

this question was discussed very intensively by the StuRa. It was also about the fact that for many members the meeting is very long and they would rather be home earlier. Of course, others said that this could also be due to the fact that the meetings get out of hand and become unproductive, and that the agenda items drag on. The speakership in particular pointed out that weekly meeting preparation would be impossible to manage.

In the end it was left at a mere discussion, the StuRa decided on a 14-day meeting cycle for the next semester as well. Important upcoming things to note:

24th of October 2023, 7th of November 2023, 21st of November 2023,28th of November 2023 (1st reading of financial applications), 12th of December 2023, 9th of January 2024, 23rd of January 2024, 6th of February 2024.

» Reports: you can, as always, find them in the protocol

»There was a great need for debate on two motions of Die LISTE. The panel discussed, more or less striving for objectivity, two motions that had already been adjourned too many times to be postponed again. In the end, this spurred the committee to accept one motion and send the second to the second reading at the next meeting with a reference to more thorough work.

» The StuRa unanimously agreed to the request to increase the number of UNIFY counselors at the university and to solidify more racism-critical competence here.

» In other news, a large number of substantive motions were discussed in the first reading: from the housing shortage of international students to coming to terms with the Nazi past of our university professors, there was a lot on the agenda; some (such as the housing shortage or positions on administrative problems of the university) were also decided on immediately in order to be able to tackle the problems in time for the semester break.

» The modernisation of two Referate were also decided upon: Instead of „EDV“, „IT“ will be used in the future and the list of tasks of the IT-Referat (office for IT) has also been brought up to date; in addition, the QSM-Referat (office for QSM) will also deal more with the framework conditions of the university’s financing in the future and deal with university structural financial and budgeting problems.


» After the StuRa has also cncerned itself with some financial applications of the Fachschaften (500 € for a fundraising campaign in favor of Doctors without Borders was decided, a proposal for a magazine of the FS Islamic Studies and the ball of the law student body were discussed in the first reading) and two changes of the bylaws were discussed (an adjustment of the contribution regulations to the end of the semester ticket and a modernization of the QSM regulations), the meeting ended with a short agenda item on the tenth anniversary of VS on 13.12. this year unusually early at 23:15.

The meeting documents and minutes of the StuRa can always be found here.

You can find the informal short report from the last StuRa meeting here.

The next StuRa meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 starting at 7pm.

…and if you have something to clarify personally with the presidium: Every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Lino, Theo and Thomas offer a consultation hour in the StuRa-Büro. And on Fridays between 10:30 and 11:30 there is a consultation hour of the chair and presidium, where Diana and Theo are waiting for you.


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