Informal short report of the 164th StuRa session


» Elected were:

As VS member of the Senate and deputy VS member: Dániel Gáspár and Max Antpöhler. As an alternate member of the Notlagenausschuss (Committee for the distribution of Hardship Grants/Payments): Hana Roš. Congratulations!

» Proposed candidacies:

For the Unirat: Peter Abelmann. For the DAAD Board: Diana Zhunussova, who, together with Phoenix Erroukrma, will also be sent to the next DAAD General Assembly.

» We’re looking for:

  • The detailed QSM report has shown how important it is to recruit new members for the QSM-Referat, especially since the current Referent will probably not be around next semester. The same applies to the Referat für Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit (Ecology and Sustainability),the Referat für Internationale Studierende (International Students) as well as the Referat für Politische Bildung (Political Education).
  • Also wanted are new members of the Wahlausschuss (Election Committee) – in this case however some past members are running again. So if you run for office now, you can be broken in well by the still present members of the Referate and Committees!
  • In this meeting a candidacy for the Präsidium (Speakers of the StuRa) was brought forth – however, there are still two vacancies in the Präsidium – candidatures are still welcome!
  • The university commission for awarding Deutschlandstipendien and the NC-Ausschuss (NC-Committee) are currently completely vacant – at least as far as student representatives are concerned. It decides which foreign students are admitted to NC degree programs. Although the StuRa does not elect the members of these committees, it does make suggestions and would be very happy to make use of its right to suggest. If there were candidacies…

» StuRa composition

This time, too, the StuRa dealt with its Satzungen (statutes), but not yet concretely; it first discussed possible changes of the Organisationssatzung (organizational statutes, short: OrgS). These regulate fundamental matters – including the composition of the StuRa (which was the point). The StuRa is composed of representatives of the Fachschaften and elected list representatives. Currently, the number of list places is primarily linked to voter turnout – with a turnout of 50%, departments and lists would recieve equal numbers of seats. It is now being considered whether an absolute number of seats for the lists should be stipulated – so that the lists can „only“ fill (for example) 1/3 of the StuRa places, but these places would be secure, regardless of the election turnout.

As an advantage of this planned regulation it was stated that it would be more „worthwhile“ for lists to include more people who could then also hold a StuRa mandate. As long as turnout is low and the seat count is proportional to it, it is often demotivating to run for lists. On the other hand, a larger number of list representatives could also serve as an incentive for the lists to get involved in the StuRa.

» Proposal to amend the basic regulations of the university

According to the currently basic regulations in effect of the university, members of the rectorate are appointed by a small group, if not downright: by a clique. This does shows the apparent understanding of „democracy“ and has, on the occasion of the election of the future rector, already been criticized in the StuRa, as well as in the senate and the faculty councils. The StuRa does not want to leave it at resolutions, but it would like to take the initiative and push for a change.

Also important:

» Reports:

  • Once again, there were many reports at this session. For example, the Sozialreferat (office for social matters) reported on attended trainings, professionalization and an expansion of the VS counseling service to include a consultation hour with TK (Techniker Krankenkasse) on general health insurance issues.
  • After the very detailed QSM report, there was a very lively discussion.
  • The Finanzreferat (finance office) gave some general financial input. In the quiz that followed, StuRa members were able to test their (non-)knowledge.

As always, you can read up on more details in the minutes.

» Financial applications:

The request of the FS Theologie regarding the purchase of an electric piano has caused a controversial discussion. It was about the issue of practicing religious events as that finds mention in the financial application. The StuRa had to balance its duty of neutrality in respect to the practice of religion with its aspiration of providing opportunities for students. The competences and tasks of the VS according to the Landeshochschulgesetz (state law on institutions of higher institutions, short: LHG) also played a role. In the end, the StuRa decided in favor of the original version of the application, which did not include an explicit ban on the use of the e-piano for religious practice (even if the organization of devotions by Fachschaften still contradicts the general rules of the VS, of course). The exact discussion can be found in the minutes. In the end, the original application was thus approved.


We will continue on Tuesday, the 6th of June, starting at 7 p.m., again with exciting discussions on the controversial applications that were postponed this time

The meeting documents and minutes of the StuRa can always be found here.

You can find the informal short report from the last StuRa meeting here.

…and if you have something to talk about with the Präsidium personally: Every Tuesday from 11:30 to 12:45 Lino, Theo and Thomas offer a consultation hour at the StuRa office – and on Fridays between 10:30 and 11:30 there is a consultation hour of the chair and the presidium, there Diana and Theo are waiting for you.


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