External Department

General Information

The Department for University Policy Interconnectedness (or “External Department” for short) is mainly concerned with representing the Heidelberg Student Council (StuRa) within state, federal and at times pan-European contexts. The department speakers also try to suggest external matters to the student body, so be sure to check this page once in a while and pay close attention to the distribution lists.

In addition, the department represents StuRa i.a. within the following associations:

These associations constitute the most important memberships to the department’s work – but don’t comprise all memberships of VS. Here you can find a more detailed list of associations the VS is a member of. Furthermore, the department often represents StuRa in dealings with state and federal parliaments, ministries and other organisations.


Current Topics

Since 2001, we have been keeping an Etherpad in which important events are constantly listed by us: https://pad.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/p/Aussenbericht21


The department’s team currently consists of:

  • Sarah Hotz
  • Bozheng Chen

Department for University Policy Interconnectedness (External Department) of StuRa
c/o StuRa Office
Albert-Ueberle-Strasse 3-5
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221/ 54-2456

E-Mail: aussen@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Office Hours during the Semester

Every Wednesday from 2 pm onwards here:


(…getting in touch with us beforehand is advised, though)

…and by appointment 🙂


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