
Kurzbericht 170. StuRa

Informal short report from the 170. StuRa session

» Elected were: Jan Neumann to the Office for Ecology and SustainabilityJakob Moser to the IT and Infrastructure office and Bela Batereau and Carolin Roder to the newly established Office for interior matters. » We’re looking for: People interested in various offices. If you would like to strengthen the VS, please contact the office and …

Informal short report from the 170. StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Kurbericht 168. und 169. StuRa

Informal short report from the 168th and 169th StuRa session

— Deutsch — » Elected were: Philipp Anton Schwarz for the Commission for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium as well as the NC Committee and Joris Frenz for the Schlichtungskommission (Arbitration Commission). » We’re looking for: deputy members for the NC Committee, the Commission for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium, and the Lehramt Committees. In …

Informal short report from the 168th and 169th StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Informal short report from the 166th and 167th session of the StuRa.

— Deutsch — & 167th session – 20th, respectively 21th of June 2023 » Elected were: Fabian Kadel and Harald Nikolaus for the Wahlkommission (election committee), Paul Martin Kaiser for the Referat für politische Bildung (office for political education), Felicitas Nettels as a member of the Schlichtungskommission (arbitration committee) and Lukas Pilz as a member …

Informal short report from the 166th and 167th session of the StuRa. Weiterlesen »

Informal short report from the 165. StuRa session

— Deutsch — 165. session of the 06.06.2023 » Elected were: The StuRa has a new member of the speakers: „President“ Helen Eckstein will support the three previous speaker members in the future, and with Daniel Dufner the Kulturreferat (office for cultural affairs and sport) will also be strengthened from three to four members. » …

Informal short report from the 165. StuRa session Weiterlesen »

For questions about the general financing of your studies and living expenses: come to the consultation-hour for social matters!

— Deutsch — Do you have questions about BAföG or the Notlagenstipendium (emergency grant)? Or would you like to talk about the topic of financing your studies and living expenses in general? Then come to the open office hours of our Sozialreferat (office for social matters)! Here, other students will help you with their expertise …

For questions about the general financing of your studies and living expenses: come to the consultation-hour for social matters! Weiterlesen »

Informal short report of the 164th StuRa session

— Deutsch — » Elected were: As VS member of the Senate and deputy VS member: Dániel Gáspár and Max Antpöhler. As an alternate member of the Notlagenausschuss (Committee for the distribution of Hardship Grants/Payments): Hana Roš. Congratulations! » Proposed candidacies: For the Unirat: Peter Abelmann. For the DAAD Board: Diana Zhunussova, who, together with …

Informal short report of the 164th StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Informal short report of the 163rd StuRa session

— Deutsch — » Elected were: Phoenix Erroukrma, Dániel Gáspár, Akhshar Leitner and Malte Kunold have been appointed to the Außenreferat (Office for External Affairs) , Franziska De Waard and Linnea Fischer to the Kulturreferat (Office for Cultural Affairs) and, last but not least, Benjamin Hellinger to the Studierendenwerksreferat (Office of Student Services). Congratulations! » …

Informal short report of the 163rd StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Informal short report from the 162nd StuRa meeting

— Deutsch — » Elected was: No one. But there were many candidatures, so in the next session probably many people will be elected, but still people are wanted. » We’re looking for: Candidates for the Universitätsrat (University Council) . The Universitätsrat accompanies the University and supervises the Rectorate. Soon the student seat will be …

Informal short report from the 162nd StuRa meeting Weiterlesen »

No updated VRN imprint? Certificate of enrollment is sufficient!

Tomorrow, Saturday, the new semester begins. However, due to technical problems on the part of Heidelberg University, it will unfortunately not be possible for all students to immediately present an updated student ID card, which will undoubtedly legitimize the use of the evening/weekend regulation in the summer semester 2023 as well. An estimated 5000 students …

No updated VRN imprint? Certificate of enrollment is sufficient! Weiterlesen »

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