
Kurbericht 168. und 169. StuRa

Informal short report from the 168th and 169th StuRa session

— Deutsch — » Elected were: Philipp Anton Schwarz for the Commission for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium as well as the NC Committee and Joris Frenz for the Schlichtungskommission (Arbitration Commission). » We’re looking for: deputy members for the NC Committee, the Commission for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium, and the Lehramt Committees. In …

Informal short report from the 168th and 169th StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Informal short report from the 166th and 167th session of the StuRa.

— Deutsch — & 167th session – 20th, respectively 21th of June 2023 » Elected were: Fabian Kadel and Harald Nikolaus for the Wahlkommission (election committee), Paul Martin Kaiser for the Referat für politische Bildung (office for political education), Felicitas Nettels as a member of the Schlichtungskommission (arbitration committee) and Lukas Pilz as a member …

Informal short report from the 166th and 167th session of the StuRa. Weiterlesen »

Informal short report from the 165. StuRa session

— Deutsch — 165. session of the 06.06.2023 » Elected were: The StuRa has a new member of the speakers: „President“ Helen Eckstein will support the three previous speaker members in the future, and with Daniel Dufner the Kulturreferat (office for cultural affairs and sport) will also be strengthened from three to four members. » …

Informal short report from the 165. StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Informal short report of the 164th StuRa session

— Deutsch — » Elected were: As VS member of the Senate and deputy VS member: Dániel Gáspár and Max Antpöhler. As an alternate member of the Notlagenausschuss (Committee for the distribution of Hardship Grants/Payments): Hana Roš. Congratulations! » Proposed candidacies: For the Unirat: Peter Abelmann. For the DAAD Board: Diana Zhunussova, who, together with …

Informal short report of the 164th StuRa session Weiterlesen »

Election Info No. 2 in winter semester 22/23

– German Version – Dear all, First information was given in the Election Info No.1 welcome to the second election info in the winter semester. For the elections in January, the first preparations are already underway in many Fachschaften. If you still have questions or need more information, you can come to the info event …

Election Info No. 2 in winter semester 22/23 Weiterlesen »


Saturday and Sunday: Student representatives from Stradiņš University Riga visit Heidelberg

– German version – From July 23 until July 24, Saturday and Sunday this week, 12 student representatives from Stradiņš University Riga will come to Heidelberg. They would like to meet with student activists of our university and also see something of the university and the city. We are planning a „university/state/doctoral student day“ on …

Saturday and Sunday: Student representatives from Stradiņš University Riga visit Heidelberg Weiterlesen »

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