[EN] What is the Fachschaftsrat?

What is the Fachschaftsrat?

All students of a Fach such as physics or transcultural studies constitute their Fach­schaft. „Fachschaft” is the German word referring to all students of the subject/programmes, of all semesters, i.e. the whole student body of a “Fach”.

Every member of the Fachschaft may run for the Fach­schafts­rat – a group of students representing the Fach­schaft. There is only one exception to who may run for Fachschaftsrat. That being Erasmus-students, as they are only short-term students. The Fachschaftsrat takes an interme­diate position between the stu­dents and the staff. It meets regu­larly, organizes events, com­muni­cates news that are relevant for the students, gives feedback and articulates students’ concerns to the staff.

In the Studierendenrat (StuRa), the student council, representa­tives from students´ initiatives and the Fach­schaften at the University of Heidelberg come together to decide on matters concerning the students in general. It meets twice a month.

Run for a seat!


More information:

Wahlausschuss des Studierendenrates (StuRa) c/o StuRa-Büro

Albert-Ueberle-Straße 3-5, 69120 Heidelberg



V.i.S.d.P: Vorsitz der Verfassten Studierendenschaft der Universität Heidelberg

Version: 06/2017


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