[EN] Hardship scholarship

You are in an unexpected situation of financial distress? Your course of studies is under risk? And no more funding opportunities are available? The StuRa provides help!




The hardship scholarship provided by the StuRa (students council) is granted to students who find themselves in unexpected, financial crisis situations and are not eligible for other funding opportunities. Unexpected financial hardship can result from different situations. For example, losing the job, unforeseen legal expenses or a changed family situation leading to financial losses, can entitle to funding by the hardship scholarship. The scholarship is granted for up to three months and the amount is calculated according to the BAföG rates.

For the application the following documents need to be provided:

  • written documents and receipts of revenues and expected
  • expenses, evidence of health insurance
  • copies of recent bank statements, savings accounts, building loan aggreements, etc. (can be blacked out in parts)
  • description of your case with special attention on the impact for your studies (approx. 1 page)
  • current certificate of enrollment or proof of admission to preliminary studies (for international students)
  • completed and signed application form (can be found on StuRa Hompage)

You find more information on our homepage. Please hand in the application in one envelope at the StuRa-Büro or send per post to:

c/o StuRa-Büro
Albert-Ueberle-Straße 3-5
69120 Heidelberg

To allow supporting students with a hardship scholarship, there need to be students engaged in the social services department and in the commission granting the scholarship. The members of the commission are obligated to confidentiality and decide according to specified regulations whether an application for the hardship scholarship is justified. Upon receipt of the full application, the commission shall decide within seven days whether funding is justified and to which extent. The social services department is holding the chair in the commission and four additional members are elected by the student council (StuRa).

You want to know more about or get involved in the work of the social services department or the commission for granting the hardship scholarship? Mail to: soziales@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Status: 05.2017

All the information presented above is obtained from this leaflet. You can order a printed version for free here.

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