[EN] Contact points

Contact points: work, social issues, studies and living

Studies, rent, children, money… sometimes you just feel helpless. But you should definitively ask for advice and help – your problems are not as insuperable as they seem.

(1) Jobs and work

Problems with your employment contract? No holidays? You’ve been fired? No job reference? Looking for an internship? If you have these or similar problems, these facilities will advise and support you:

» Students@work – Online counselling of the German Trade Union

The quick, unbureaucratical, anonymous and free online counselling for students who also work or do an internship.

Internet: www.jugend.dgb.de/studium/beratung/students-at-work

» Student service of the Employment Agency

Consultation, checking your application documents and much more.


» Job market of the Studierendenwerk

The job market, coordinated by the StuWe, is a collection of contact data of companies, organizations or private persons who offer jobs for students. www.stw.uni-heidelberg.de/en/advice_online_job

» Internship and job market of Heidelberg University

Here you can find current offers for internships, traineeships etc.


Many courses of studies also have their own specialized internship market.

(2) Student counselling service

» Student counselling service of the study departments

You can find information about your course of studies, e.g., about deadlines, recognition of your language skills or activities you have completed outside university at your study department.


» Fachschaften (students’ committees in the study departments)

You can contact the Fachschaft of your course of studies if you have questions about exams, application procedure or if you have a problem with the lectures or the professors. Here you can find an overview: test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/fachschaften

» Heidelberg School of Education (information about teacher training) www.hse-heidelberg.de/studium/ansprechpartner-und-beratung

» Work group „Lehramt“ of the StuRa

The work group helps you if you have questions about the teacher training. More information: test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/lehramt

» StuRa (Students’ Council)

The StuRa provides you with general information about the structure of your course of studies and about how you can become politically and culturally active within the framework of your studies.

StuRa office, Albert-Ueberle-Str. 3-5, Tel.: 06221/542456

URL: test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de / Mail: stura@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

» Central Student Counselling Service (ZSB) / Career Service

The ZSB provides you with general information about your course of studies, e.g., about subjects combination, learning strategies or what you need to know about changing your course of studies or about internships. You will also find information about how to finance your studies with scholarships. The Career Service helps you planning your profession and career.

Internet: www.uni-heidelberg.de/studium/kontakt/zsw/

Seminarstraße 2 (Mo-Thu 9am-4pm, Fr 9am-1pm)

(3) BAföG and social counselling

Here you will find answers about securing your maintenance, i.e., how to finance your studies, for example through BAföG, scholarships, part-time jobs. You will also receive important information about the social insurance and how to plan your life in general.

» Social counselling of the Studierendenwerk

Doris Gärtner (also responsible for students with a handicap).

Internet: www.stw.uni-heidelberg.de/de/sozialberatung

» Sozialreferat (Social Services Department of the Students’ Council)

The Sozialreferat offers consultation hours by prior arrangement. Here, you’re in good hands also for every question that goes beyond how to secure your maintenance.

E-mail: soziales@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Internet: test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/soziales

(4) International students

The first months in a new environment are not easy. You can find help at the Department for International Relationships, at the StuRa and within the different student groups.

» Department for International Relationships and service portal for international students (room 33) of Heidelberg University

The Department for International Relationships can answer your questions about e.g., insurances or right of residence. You will also receive information about studying in Heidelberg and all important forms for enrolling, re-registering and much more. The first contact point is always the service portal in the Seminarstraße 2.

Internet: www.uni-heidelberg.de/courses/contact/aaa/index.html

» StuRa-Referat für internationale Studierende

(Department for International Students of the Students’ Council)


» Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

The ESN consists of students who will help you getting involved in the social and cultural life in Germany with a various and extensive event program. Internet: http://heidelberg.esn-germany.de/

(5) Studying with disabilities

The assignees for people with a handicap help with all problems concerning your studies. You will find information and leaflets at the contact points.

» Commissioners for disabled and chronically ill students

Dania Hollmann und Carolin Pfisterer-Weik


» Aid for people with a handicap

Here you will find information about infrared-hearing aid and more: www.uni-heidelberg.de/studium/kontakt/handicap/hilfen

» Gesundheitsreferat (Health Department of the Students’ Council)

The Gesundheitsreferat represents the interests of people with a handicap or chronically ill students at university.

E-mail: gesundheitsreferat@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Internet: test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/gesundheit

(6) Psychological counselling and support

In case of personal conflict situations, contact difficulties, identity crisis, fears and other problems that might occur during your studies, it is always reasonable to seek for a clarifying discussion with a competent counsellor.

» Nightline – Telephone contact point from students for students

Here you can talk anonymously about what’s bothering you, be it exam stress, relationship problems or annoying roommates.

Every day during the lecture period: 9.00pm until 2:00am.

Tel.: 06221/184708 or via Skype under nightline.heidelberg

E-mail after a one-time registration: nightline@uni-heidelberg.de

Internet: www.nightline-heidelberg.de

» Psychosocial counselling for students

Studierendenwerk Heidelberg, Gartenstr. 2, 69115 Heidelberg

Tel.: 06221/543750 (secretariat, Angela Eichhorn)

E-mail: pbs@stw.uni-heidelberg.de

Internet: www.uni-heidelberg.de/studium/beratung/pbs.html

Registration for open consultation hours: Mo-Thu 10:30-11 am.

Registration and further dates only via the secretariat.

(7) Law of tenancy

» Mieterverein Heidelberg (Tenant’s Association)

Poststr. 46, 69115 Heidelberg, Tel.: 06221/20473, Fax: 06221/16 34 18

Internet: www.mieterverein-heidelberg.de

Consultancy for members only. Available here: „Tenant’s lexicon“ (in German) and pamphlets about defects, additional costs, rent increases, etc. Furthermore: tenants advisory service for students who subscribe for a trial membership.

Together with the Tenants’ Association, the StuRa has published an information brochure for students about law of tenancy. You can find the English version (and much more) at test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/flyer

You can get the rent index for Heidelberg at any registration office (Bürgeramt) or at the Tenants’ Association for 5,-  €. Or you read it online for free and print it at www.heidelberg.de/hd,Lde/HD/Leben/Mietspiegel

(8) Legal assistance

Here you can find competent advice for lawsuits, formal complaints and other legal problems. Activities such as litigations or drafting procedural documents are standardly not possible.

» Free legal assistance for students

A cooperation of the StuRa with the Heidelberg Lawyer Association. Consultation with specialist lawyers from several legal fields. Advance registration via rechtsberatung@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

For more information and dates, visit


» Legal assistance of the Studierendenwerk Heidelberg

Tue 2.30 – 4.00pm, ServiceCenter, Grabengasse 14

Internet: http://www.stw.uni-heidelberg.de/en/advice_legal

» Heidelberg Local Court

The Heidelberg Lawyer Association offers free legal assistance for low-income citizens several times a month. For the exact dates, visit www.landgericht-heidelberg.de/pb/,Lde/1158907 

» Consulting assistance and legal aid

A legal aid is available, so that you can claim court and lawyer aid even if you have limited financial resources. The application can be submitted to the Local Court. If you receive consulting assistance, you will need to pay 10 €. You can find further information and the application form here:



» Pro Bono Heidelberg Legal assistance by and for students (civil and asylum law)

Internet: www.probono-heidelberg.de

» Law and Legal Heidelberg – Legal assistance by and for students

Internet: www.lawandlegal.de/standorte/heidelberg

(9) Studying with child

» Studierendenwerk

Combining studies and a child can be challenging. The StuWe offers for this purpose in Heidelberg 280 full-time childcare places. You can find the applications forms and the leaflets on the website of the StuWe, as well as the pedagogical concepts and child care opportunities. You will also find information about family-friendly housing, financial support and the free meal initiative Mensa for Kids.

Internet: http://www.stw.uni-heidelberg.de/en/kinderbetreuung

» Parents meeting Club Parentes

The parents meeting „Club Parentes“ is aimed at studying parents in Heidelberg. Students and doctoral students have the possibility to meet on four Wednesdays during the lecture period to exchange views, get together and support each other.


» Working Group „Studying with Child“ of the StuRa

Internet: test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/kinder

(10) Further contact points

» Emergency grant of the StuRa

The StuRa awards short-term emergency grants for two or three months to enrolled university students who are in extreme financial difficulties. For more information, visit test.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/notlagenstipendium

» Free meals

In singular cases it is possible for students with particular financial difficulties to be awarded a lunch voucher of 40-80 € per semester. The applications must be received 14 days after the lectures have started. More information:


» Special funds of the Studierendenwerk

Beside the standard aid, the StuWe also has some special funds that can be awarded in particular short-term hardship cases. You can discuss it with the StuWe social counselling during the consultation hours.

» Special fund of Heidelberg University

Inquiries can be addressed by e-mail at zukunftstiften@uni-heidelberg.de

» Heidelberger Tafel e.V.

Helps people in difficulty by providing cheaper food.

Internet: www.heidelberger-tafel.de

» Student congregations

The protestant (esg-heidelberg.de) and catholic student congregations (kuz-heidelberg.de) have several possibilities to help in case of hardship, especially with short-term support for social emergencies. The help received is not bound to a church membership.

» Equal opportunities office of Heidelberg University


» Frauennotruf (Women’s Emergency Hotline) – association against sexual violence towards women and girls

Tel.: 06221/18 36 43

Internet: www.frauennotruf-heidelberg.de

» Queerreferat (queer department of the Students‘ Council)

The consulting team of the Queerreferat is aimed especially at homo-, bi-, trans-, and intersexuals, transgenders, queers, at everyone who doesn’t identify as heterosexual or doesn’t belong to any sexual orientation, or at those who have questions about it. All information will be regarded as strictly confidential and anonymous.

E-mail: beratung-queerreferat@stura.uni-heidelberg.de

Status: 10.2018

All the information presented above is obtained from this leaflet. You can order a printed version for free here.

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